This Is My First Post, And I Wanna Talk About CBD Hemp

Chester Smigle
3 min readOct 9, 2020


I’m a hedonist, and there are few joys in life. CBD hemp happens to be one of the greatest.

In 2012, I was introduced to smoking hemp. Not marijuana, mind you, but hemp, as in the cured plant that contains little to no THC, but tons of CBD. I thought it was a hoax, I thought it’d suck, but it happened to become a much healthier alternative to smoking regular cigarettes.

The great thing about smoking hemp is that it doesn’t intoxicate you. The CBD does relax you though, and that’s why I smoke it. I not only enjoy the act of smoking (which is why I smoked tobacco for so long), but I also enjoy not waking up with gunk in my throat or worrying about cancer. In fact, the crazy part about hemp is that studies actually show that it helps fight cancer, by contrast.

What’s more is that a hemp cigarettes do not smell like those stale tobacco cigarettes do. Instead, it smells like you just smoked a joint. It’s never been strange to me that people prefer the smell of weed over the smell of cigarettes.

These days CBD hemp flower is sold all over the place in convenience stores, corner stores, bodegas, etc. It’s also sold in smoke shops a lot. If your state allows smokable hemp, you will probably find it in your nearest smoke shop.

Anyway, that isn’t what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about how great it is to finally have an easy, cheap and enjoyable way to relax with a smoke. For so long, tobacco has only gone up in price and really doesn’t help with relaxation since nicotine is a stimulant. On the other hand, CBD is not a stimulant or a depressant, but an anti-inflammatory.

In fact, I use it generally for relaxing, but it does help with a headache rather quickly. If I’m feeling a migraine come on when I’m at the office, I will take a break and grab a smoke. The CBD kicks in fast and I’m chill when I walk back into the office. I honestly cannot say the same for nicotine. Since Nicotine is addictive, I feel like I *have* to have a cigarette, whereas with CBD hemp cigarettes, I actually only smoke when I feel like I want to, and it’s frankly not nearly as often.

So, that’s my schpiel. I think all smokers should at least try CBD hemp cigarettes to see the effects of it. Like I said, it’s not like it’ll get you “high” like a marijuana joint, but it will definitely be a better source of relaxation than your average cigarette.

And if you’re anything like me, you’ll also try the different kinds. There are about 6 major brands on the market that are worth checking out. Personally, I go ahead and try a new brand every time I go to the smoke shop. I like diversity ;)

